Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Green Is Good

Are you like me?

 Wanting to provide for your family the things that are healthy,pure, and safe, without all the harmful chemicals that is really making us sick. We might be living longer but at what cost. Where can I turn, what products can I trust that has been proven and tested. Are they FDA. approved, the most important question is, are they tested for the highest quality and craftsmanship before being approved & offered?
Good news, the answer is yes. 
                    You know your body better than anyone.
   Do you have questions about hypoglycemia, fibromyalgia, heart, cancer, disease, aches, pains and any thing else?  Would you like to feel better without the use of harmful drugs, Stay in better health so you can cut back the expenses on doctors and hospitals? You can, if you learn that green is a better way of a healthy life style watch the video below and see if it make since to you!


A Wake-Up Story from Healthy Child Healthy World on Vimeo.
That is my favorite video and really it applies to everyone not just our children.
  It is fall and we tend to spend more time indoors. Now think about this how many time have you done your, dishes, laundry, dusted, 
took a shower, brushed you teeth,went for a drive, gone outside?
 The most important question is, how many chemicals have I been exposed to that I did not need to be exposed to. The answer is  too many. Just take a look under the counter and grab a cleaner and start reading it and you will see a very long list some you probably can not even pronounce. 
I have another video to share with you so you can see what is being done to our foods 
Click Here for beyond organic all natural foods
Have I got your attention yet? Here is the alternative  Are you ready for a change for better health, for more info Click Here
As you look forward, I hope you remember one very important fact. You are the only one who controls where you'll go tomorrow, and that control is gained from the decisions you make and the actions you take today. Click Here
Alone is a hard way, but together as friends and neighbors serving you,
being like minded and wanting to help change the world 1 friend at time we become strong.
Join in our mission to go green and clean up America then the world 
For  more click here
learn ways to recycle go to recyclingearthenergy.com
info on solar click here

* P.S. That's an affiliate link above (duh). When you get this (if it's still available) I'll make some cash. Probably going use the money to upgrade my cable TV package.
* So you might be wondering why I'm promoting this. Well, it ain't to give up my day job. Not going to make enough to retire and live in the Caribbean.
* Warning: If you buy this I am going to make some money that I'll likely spent on new shiny stuff.

* Thank you my friends for having a since of hummor
                                                                      VITAMINS FOR YOUR CAR CLICK HERE
                                                                                  more alternative energy CLICK HERE

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